Top exotic resorts
Sometimes during a vacation you want to find yourself on a desert island somewhere far away in the ocean, away from everyday worries and experiences. Enjoy pristine nature. Swim in the purest ocean water.
Meditate to the charming whisper of waves and singing exotic birds. Of course, it is difficult to find islands without people, but it is possible to visit other islands or wonderful territories of our planet. In this article ten most interesting places for exotic rest will be considered.
Hawaiian archipelago islands
Hawaii is an archipelago of 24 islands in the North Pacific. The largest of the archipelago’s islands are Hawaii, Oahu, Maui, Molokai, Kawi and Lanai. Passat climate of the islands attracts with its comfort and softness.
Temperature in Hawaii in summer fluctuates around +30 degrees, and in winter it approaches +20 degrees. The islands are of volcanic origin and continue to form nowadays.
The nature of Hawaii is unique because it was formed in isolation from the mainland. The exotic splendor of many orchids, the beautiful waterfalls lost in the dense tropical forest, the inviting lagoons with white beaches – all this is waiting for tourists on these magical islands.
Waves on the coast are perfect for surfing enthusiasts. Hawaii is better off in winter because it’s very hot in summer. And if you want to save on a trip, you should go here from April to December.
The State of Seychelles is recognized as the most beautiful islands in the Indian Ocean. The largest island is Mahe, on which the capital city of Victoria is located. Seychelles include many stone and coral islands.
On the stone islands there are widespread forests, in which rare species of palm trees grow, they can be found only here. Coral reefs are flat atolls that rise above the ocean water level by only 4-8 meters.
Unparalleled beaches, unique fauna, unique flora and fauna, unique underwater world, exciting fishing, entertaining and informative excursions on foot, by car or by bicycle – these are the options for choosing a holiday in the Seychelles.
Due to the fact that these islands have long developed in isolation from the mainland, there is a high percentage of unique birds, reptiles and plants, which are found only on this archipelago. The unique nature of the Seychelles attracts tourists every year.
The time of travel to Seychelles is determined by the way the tourists expect to have a rest here. Spring or autumn is the best time for diving. Surfing and sailing enthusiasts are advised to visit the islands in May or October. If you just want to relax on the beach, you can go on a trip in the middle of winter or at the end of summer.
Canary Islands
The canaries are a complex of seven volcanic islands. The climate on these islands is classified as tropical, moderately hot and dry. Holidays in the Canary Islands are associated by most people with the most elite and expensive.
Prices for trips here range from affordable to incredibly high, which implies the highest class of rest. The cost of recreation is determined by the high degree of development of tourist infrastructure, which provides a wide selection of hotels and areas for recreation.
This is the main advantage of vacation in the Canary Islands. The beautiful nature with exotic animals and plants, forests and deserts, snowy peaks and volcanoes, charming beaches and beautiful shores complements the comfortable rest.
Five-star hotels in the Canary Islands are looking forward to welcoming their guests to experience the wonderful moments of relaxation and recovery.
Isle of Ibiza
This island is part of the Balearic archipelago and belongs to the territory of Spain. The name comes from the word “island of Besa”, i.e. the island of a god from the mythology of Ancient Egypt, Besa, the patron saint of eroticism and entertainment.
This international resort has gained its popularity thanks to numerous clubs, where electronic music of various directions sounds. As a result, Ibiza attracts entertainment lovers from all over the world.

This small island is quite diverse to keep you entertained, and after a few hours of rest its guests feel at home.
Indian resort Goa
Goa is the smallest state in India and the main resort of the country. The coast has a length of 110 km, while forming dozens of delightful beaches.
Hotels and pensions in the southern part of Goa are very popular with wealthy natives of Europe and wealthy residents of India. In contrast to it the northern territory of the state acts, it is famous for relatively inexpensive hotels, noisy and democratic rest.
Amazing island of Bali
The island of Bali, located in the Indian Ocean, has recently become a well-known and developed tourist resort. Its development began when the tourism business began to focus on national music and dance, religion, sculpture and painting.
Continuous infrastructure development is taking place on the island: extra- and economy-class hotels are being built to cover the entire social spectrum of holidaymakers. Tourists are also attracted by its diverse landscapes, rice paddies and palm groves, tropical thickets, majestic volcanoes and mountain lakes, ancient temples and endless beaches.
This picturesque island is also known for its active volcanoes. If you want to have an unforgettable experience, the smoldering earth and fire-breathing craters are the right choice.
Thailand, Phuket
Phuket is a representative resort, adapted for a relaxing holiday. The most friendly time to visit this island is from November to February. There are many places to visit in Phuket, thus diversifying your holiday on the beach.
These are pearl and snake farms, a national museum and park, butterfly and orchid gardens, a Thai village and a marine research station. All this indicates that those who have a rest here will not be bored.
The Republic of Maldives is located on small islands, which are often compared to the thread of pearls. The chain of twenty atolls in the Indian Ocean consists of more than a thousand coral islands.
Holiday in the Maldives is called a truly tropical paradise. Snow-white beaches with the purest water, surrounded by palm trees and exotic animals, leave no doubt that this is the edge of endless summer and rest.
Thai city of Pattaya
Pattaya has a reputation as one of the most famous resorts in Thailand. A huge number of hotels, guest houses and beaches along the coast make Pattaya a model resort town.
It is worth noting that the water on the coast of resorts is always cloudy. Pattaya is perfect for families as well. Not far from the city are located farms: crocodile, tiger, elephant and oyster.
The city has a botanical garden and an orchid park. In Pattaya you can visit the park of miniature copies of the world’s attractions.
Pacific island of Bora Bora Bora
The island of Bora Bora is located in a fairytale beautiful lagoon, fenced with coral reefs and many small desert islands.
An ideal opportunity to learn about the traditions of Bora Bora Island is to go to a local village where they will tell you all about the plants that grow here, the traditional ways of cooking for the natives, as well as learn how to wear traditional pareos and break coconuts.
The underwater world of Bora Bora Bora can be seen in all its glory during diving. There are barracudas and sharks in this lagoon that are allowed to be fed, but only under the strict supervision of an instructor.
As you can see, the world is surprisingly rich in paradise corners. Of course, it is quite difficult and costly to visit all the above mentioned exotic places, but it is quite possible to choose an island or a resort that deserves maximum attention!